The anticipation of the unknown

I guess I just feel kind of in limbo, it still happens that I think that I’m on a track and I have a plan and then, no, I go back again. I know that’s just research, and whilst I feel like I’m going backwards I’m still further forward that I have been previously so it’s still progress. I just get itchy feet and restless, worried I’m not achieving enough. Perhaps all the other PhD students out there feel like that too?

Don’t rush the process.

I really feel like this is why I chose to do a PhD. Everything else is part of the experience, but I love to solve problems, unknowns – just figure out what is going on. Whilst I’m not quite there yet, I am getting there and it feels so good.

TL;DR – do it properly.

I made a start yesterday afternoon and my code is already running quicker and it looks much neater. It’s also easier to go back and figure out what I’m trying to do. All positive things.