Separate results from success.

I think in this environment, we’re so used to being defined by our achievements. Success is tied to our grades, papers published and presentations given. I feel like my life is my PhD and sharing that life to an audience who could tear it down is nerve wrecking. I don’t want people to essentially say that my life is a pile of rubbish.

Academic life is not Instagram.

Moral of the story: communicate. Communicate with your supervisor, communicate with your peers and communicate with your friends/family. Your academic life is not your Instagram, it doesn’t have to be perfect. Be filter free.

Perception vs Reality

Moral of the story: Imposter Syndrome sucks. Everyone is on their own journey and bluntly, the time and money wouldn’t be wasted on me if I wasn’t good enough to be there. This was their chance to kick me out and they didn’t. People might look on the outside like they are very well put together and confident, but under the surface and behind the scenes that’s not the case. 

“A woman is like a tea bag…”

My overwhelming feeling right now is gratitude to be honest, yes I’m stressed and worried, but I am so grateful to the people around me. The ones who are giving up their time to help with my presentation, to give me feedback, to do run throughs with me, to hug me when I cry and listen when I’m just talking. Many say PhD life is lonely, but right now I feel surrounding by people who care.