A little progress everyday adds up to big results

It’s been a jam-packed week, with lots of planning and working. I am feeling good about where I’m heading, I’m just hoping I can keep up the motivation and productivity! There’s a lot of potential to achieve before I go on holiday in August and have something more substantial to present in October. I’d like to be able to go away without needing to worry about not working for a few weeks and feeling like I’m behind.

Next stop – PhD

The point is that the feedback in the past few days is really going to help me as a researcher and a person, to be more confident and reach higher and higher standards. Next stop: PhD.

Separate results from success.

I think in this environment, we’re so used to being defined by our achievements. Success is tied to our grades, papers published and presentations given. I feel like my life is my PhD and sharing that life to an audience who could tear it down is nerve wrecking. I don’t want people to essentially say that my life is a pile of rubbish.

Don’t rush the process.

I really feel like this is why I chose to do a PhD. Everything else is part of the experience, but I love to solve problems, unknowns – just figure out what is going on. Whilst I’m not quite there yet, I am getting there and it feels so good.