COVID-19: she believed she could so she did.

The detailed feedback from my examiners on my thesis highlighted to key things to me: 1) My own doubt about my abilities comes out in my work and hides the stronger parts 2) I am a bit different to what people thing an engineer is, but that’s not a weakness, it’s a strength.

Covid-19: a more balanced approach

Lockdown has been a lot of learning – but I think that I’m coming out the other side (assuming we are coming out the other side) a stronger person with a better understanding of what I need even when it feels everything is turned on its head!

Rejection and decisions.

It’s difficult to separate out that emotional “ouch” reaction and look at the feedback as constructive criticism so the work can be improved. I think you have to give it a bit of time and then rationalise.

TL;DR – do it properly.

I made a start yesterday afternoon and my code is already running quicker and it looks much neater. It’s also easier to go back and figure out what I’m trying to do. All positive things.