A little progress everyday adds up to big results

It’s been a jam-packed week, with lots of planning and working. I am feeling good about where I’m heading, I’m just hoping I can keep up the motivation and productivity! There’s a lot of potential to achieve before I go on holiday in August and have something more substantial to present in October. I’d like to be able to go away without needing to worry about not working for a few weeks and feeling like I’m behind.

On a [natural] high!

This abstract being accepted, the outcome and views from yesterday’s workshop and the progress in my PhD have really given me a boost. A boost of confidence, morale and belief in myself.

Being productive is exhausting (but fun)!

This combination of different things has been a tiring cocktail but it’s been really fulfilling. Even the things that aren’t directly related to my project are having a positive influence on my PhD: I’m gaining in confidence, both in my abilities and my knowledge of my subject area.

Revelations from BioMedEng18

This conference really has given me a lot to think about, in ways that I didn’t expect. I’ve found the value from attending the technical research sessions (which were also very good, by the way!) but the other career and education sessions as well.