COVID-19: your thesis, the gift that keeps on giving.

“Finish, move on, do fun stuff”. This thesis does not define me, it is a platform from which I will develop and grow. In years to come, no one is going to be digging out my thesis to decide my fate. I’ve done as much as I feel I have it in me to do, that’s all I can ask of myself.

COVID-19: keeping the momentum

Well, it’s been a while since I’ve visiting my blog…heck I feel like it’s a while since I’ve done anything productive to do with my PhD to be honest with you. Is it the COVID slump? Is it the run up to the end slump? Is it just plain laziness? Meh, probably a combination of the above really.

Covid-19: a more balanced approach

Lockdown has been a lot of learning – but I think that I’m coming out the other side (assuming we are coming out the other side) a stronger person with a better understanding of what I need even when it feels everything is turned on its head!

Covid-19: the uncertainty of returning to “normal”

I’m still ploughing on with my work plan and making progress, whilst I don’t like the uncertainties (and I’m sure I’m not alone in this and everyone is finding a way to cope with the difficulties that this situation imposes), I am determined not to let this break me. I’ve put too much heart, soul and energy into this PhD and I will persevere and make it through. I’m too stubborn not to! The only way through this, for us all I’m sure, is to adapt and persevere – what else can we do, right? 

PhD is a marathon, not a sprint.

Slow and steady is key – PhD life really is a marathon and not a sprint! The key is to keep that momentum going, even if it’s slow, it’s there. Research takes time, you’ve just got to roll with what you can manage a day at a day.