Academic life is not Instagram.

Moral of the story: communicate. Communicate with your supervisor, communicate with your peers and communicate with your friends/family. Your academic life is not your Instagram, it doesn’t have to be perfect. Be filter free.

Perception vs Reality

Moral of the story: Imposter Syndrome sucks. Everyone is on their own journey and bluntly, the time and money wouldn’t be wasted on me if I wasn’t good enough to be there. This was their chance to kick me out and they didn’t. People might look on the outside like they are very well put together and confident, but under the surface and behind the scenes that’s not the case. 

“I am the master of my fate”

I need to keep that Impostor Syndrome monster at bay, because it’s really not going to help my progress or productivity. Rationally and logically I know that, I just need to find a way to remember that consistently, because I know things are going pretty well. I have some results and I have some progress…more and more each week. That really is a great thing to be proud of.

Survived a whole week!

As I come to the end of the my first full week as a PhD student (yes, I know technically I only worked Monday-Friday, but my mind has been wurring all weekend so it counts, okay?!) I’ve realised that this is going to be a super long process with many ups and downs.